HOT 5 - 2/6/23
Lovely Hot Friends,
Ok, I'm just going to admit it, I'm a sucker for hearts. Every single one, from child-like badly drawn ones to asymmetrical arty ones, I heart hearts. I like them across all design categories and in any material. I've just always really loved the shape and it's one of the first I learned to draw as a little girl. I've often been slightly embarrassed about my love for them as it has sometimes seemed childish and unsophisticated but … SORRY, NOT SORRY! So, it will come as no surprise that the next big (some say way over-hyped holiday) is a personal favorite. I'm sorry if it isn't one of yours and I apologize in advance for this Hot 5 which is dedicated to Valentine's day and all things heart-shaped. :
This week's Hot 5:
1. Jewelry Trends for Spring 2023
2. From Hot Right In Time For V Day!
3. Hot Pick -- Very Special Valentines Day Gifts
4. Hot Shops -- Dover Street Market
5. It's Black History Month, Show Some Love!
1. Jewelry Trends for Spring 2023
In the last Hot 5 I shared some of what's new in fashion for 2023 and this week we'll take a look at the jewelry category. I'm always excited to see the jewelry trends since updating your jewelry wardrobe is an easy and more affordable way to refresh your look. Even if you wear the same few pieces of good jewelry most days, it can be fun to tip-toe into the new season with one or two on-trend items.
Heart Jewelry -- I promise I didn't make it up. Hearts and heart-shaped accessories are everywhere, just check Prada, Chanel, and Alaia!
Pinky Rings -- it's time for our pinkies to get a little love, this little accessory makes a big statement.
DIY Crafty -- even if you're not crafting your own pieces, it's cool to go with something that looks like you did.
Cuff Me -- In a season full of bold jewelry choices, the cuff speaks the loudest.
Mermaidcore -- as a design motif, ocean-inspired pieces are always captivating, right Ariel?
Ear Cuffs -- these fashion-forward pieces are back in the spotlight, so why not rock one this time?
Silver Gets A Turn -- silver is looking really fresh to this "only gold for me, thanks" girl!
Shoulder Dusting Earrings -- the longer and swingier the better, make a statement with a pair.
2. From Hot Right In Time For V Day!
Given my penchant for the heart-shaped, it's no surprise that we would have a lot of items in that category on the site. And actually, over the years many customers have bought hearts on Hot. From sales of new and trendy styles to fabulous vintage hearts from the likes of Christian LaCroix and YSL, we have proof that there are those out there as keen for hearts as we are! Here are some of the newer heart pieces on Hot.
Free Gift With Any Purchase Through Valentine’s Day!
3. Hot Pick -- Something Special For Your Valentine!
I'm sure you've been as inundated as I have with lists and suggestions for V-day gifts. My number one goal when looking for something for the many Valentines in my life is to try and find something really unique, to go beyond the typical roses, teddy bears, candles, and perfume choices. Here are 6 for you that I think fit that category:
La Bouche Rouge Red Romance Set $79
La Laison Chocolate Heart Collection Gift Box $55
Le Creuset Cast Iron Heart Casserole $220
4. Hot Shops -- Dover Street Market
Do you know Dover Street Market? If not let me enlighten you. It's a phenomenal multi-brand store that debuted in London in 2004. Created by Rei Kawakubo of Comme Des Garcons and her husband Roland Joffe, the store sells all the amazing Comme brands plus an array of upscale high fashion that compliments it. DSM is also known for its crave-worthy drops of must-have streetwear that have the hypebeasts lined up for hours. The New York store opened in 2013 in a striking classical building in Murray Hill of all neighborhoods. I'm always surprised by the number of people I meet who've never been. I treat it like a museum or temple of high design, it makes for a fun and inspirational shopping jaunt. Yes, the prices are out of this world, but they have a few affordable items and there's always Rose Bakery for tea and a delicious pastry.
5. It's Black History Month, Show Some Love!
For such a short month, February sure has a lot going on like Valentine’s Day, Award Shows, Fashion Month, etc! We all know that it's Black History Month too, and for me, that's the most important of all February events. Sure the holiday has turned into another one that's exploited for its marketing and sales potential. However, in this case, that doesn't take away from the continued need for recognition and support for the many often overlooked contributions Black people have made to this country. Here are a few of my favorite resources for Black-owned and created fashion and art.
For Black Artists And Designers
For a showcase of Black Owned or Founded Fashion Brands: