House of Terrance


Terry Gibralter Terry Gibralter

HOT 5 - 11/26/22

The HOT Holiday Gift Guide:

1. For Your Fashionable Friends

2. For the Men In Your Life

3. For The Teens Or Want To Be Teens In Your World

4. For Your Beauty-Obsessed BFFs

5. Gifts That Give Back

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Terry Gibralter Terry Gibralter

HOT 5 - 11/10/22

This week's HOT 5:

1. Up Close and Personal with French Girl Style

2. Hot Shops the All New La Samaritaine

3. Hot Pick --New Scarves!

4. Elsa Schiapparelli at Musée Des Arts Decoratifs

5. Favorite New Restaurant -- Mimosa!

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Terry Gibralter Terry Gibralter

HOT 5 - 4/23/22

This week's HOT 5:

1. The Best Gifts For All The Moms

2. What's New On HOT For Mom

3. Give Mom An Experience

4. The Hot Pick - Fun Watches

5. April Is National Poetry Month

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