HOT 5 - 10/26/21
Dear HOT Friends,
Halloween is almost here and that means it's been almost one year since the HOT 5 made its debut. How is it possible that a year has gone by already? And what a year it's been! Reading what I wrote to introduce the HOT 5 back in Oct. 2020 I'm struck by how much hasn't actually changed. We're still grappling with so many of the same challenging issues. However, we are vaxxed and boosted (mostly), and soon our kids will be too. Trick or treating will be a little less scary than it was a year ago and hopefully, that will be true for everything we do as we roll to the end of 2021.
Here is this week's HOT 5:
1. Back by Popular Demand
2. Seriously, Get Thrifting!
3. The Halloween Costume Ideas You Need
4. HOT Pick -- Fall Florals
5. New Rules For Dinner Parties
1. Back by Popular Demand
This past Saturday marked the start of Scorpio season just in time for the return of Pauline de Roissy de Sales charming zodiac Tee shirts to HOT! (Note: Scorpios may have the lowest vaccination rate of all signs according to this survey chart above. :) Pauline is the uber-talented artist and illustrator we partnered with a few years ago to create some very cute and covetable items like phone cases, tote bags, and Tees, all sporting her fabulous illustrations. Pauline was born and raised in NYC, attended RISD, and has been a designing sensation ever since. Her clients have ranged from Vogue to Marc Jacobs and include new client The Lingua Franca Boutique whose interiors Pauline decorated with her fun and whimsical designs. Find your zodiac Tee below, read the 3 adjectives that may define your sign, and get yours now!
2. Seriously, Get Thrifting!
Whatever you call it, whether it's thrifting, shopping resale, or vintage shopping, it all falls under the same great umbrella I'm calling “conscious consumerism.” The past couple of years have seen an amazing rise in shopping for pre-owned as more and more people "get it." This NY Times article explains it well and this article from Vox shares the really dark side of our shopping history. Of course, all of you know the big important reason that shopping for pre-owned fashion makes sense (we must save this planet!) but how about the smaller more personal reasons? For me, pre-owned shopping has always been about the hunt, the thrill of finding the most interesting irresistible piece that I can be sure is close to one of a kind. And there's the great value aspect and the rebuke of fast fashion as well. This coming weekend is the granddaddy of them all, the Manhattan Vintage Clothing Show which brings together over 80 shops from all over the US! Hit me up if you're planning on being in NYC and would like a guided tour of this must see event!
I’m always Frida!
3. The Halloween Costume Ideas You Need
Have you landed on an idea for your Halloween costume yet? If you are struggling, here's some help. First up from NY Mag's The Cut, an article on all the best pop culture costumes. My favorite is Amanda Gorman which might have something to do with the fact that I have all the items in my closet! This article, also from The Cut has costumes that only require 3 products or less which sounds good to me. For some jaw-dropping costume ideas from TikTok brought to us by Vogue check this. It seems that this year Halloween has gotten even more popular (if that's even possible!) since it takes place outside for the most part and it involves masks. However, you choose to celebrate it I hope it's tons of fun.
4. HOT Pick -- Fall Florals
I adore florals at any time of year but there's something wonderful and unexpected about florals in the fall. Usually placed against a dark background to make them more suitable for colder weather, florals look good on every item of clothing this fall including accessories like shoes and bags. Miranda Priestly from The Devil Wears Prada famously said in her most bitter sarcastic voice "Florals for spring? Groundbreaking!" I wonder how she feels about Fall florals? I've chosen 6 different examples for your perusal (and possible purchase?) below.
5. New Rules For Dinner Parties
I found this article from Bon Appetit to be really helpful as I prepared for a dinner party this past weekend, the first in many many months. In fact, I've gone from what used to be monthly dinners to maybe a total of three in the last two years, thanks to covid! The article shares what they're calling the "new rules" of entertaining, created to make the whole endeavor much easier and less stressful after a year when we decided life is just too short to sweat the small stuff. Lots of helpful ideas here and make sure you check out all of the great content under the New Rules of Dinner Parties banner.
Happy Halloween!
Terry xoxo